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  • 2025.02.07 Yijin presented at the MSE Colloquium at UT Dallas. 

  • 2024.10.06-10 We celebrate Dr. Marca Doeff's contribution to the field of battery research and her recent retirement at ECS PRiME 2024, Honolulu, Hawaii.

  • 2024.09.03 We are delighted to be a part of the DOE-funded Aqueous Battery Consortium. We look forward to collaborating with our colleagues in the ABC hub to drive advancements in aqueous battery technology for large-scale energy storage.

  • 2024.08.15 We warmly welcome Jane Qin joining our group as a Ph.D. student. Jane recently received her B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering from UCSD. She worked as an undergraduate researcher in Prof. Zheng Chen's group.

  • 2024.05.14 Yijin is elected to be a member of NSLS-II UEC.

  • 2024.04.18 Tianxiao and Wenlong conducted an experiment at the FXI beamline at NSLS-II. We are thankful to the collaboration with Dr. Mingyuan Ge.

  • 2024.03.17 Yijin chaired a session entitled "Energy Storage Systems: In-Situ Characterization Studies" at the ACS Spring meeting, New Orleans, LO.

  • 2024.02.01 Yijin reviewed the beamline design proposal at the ANI/TXN Beamline Advisory Team (BAT) Meeting.

  • 2024.01.15 We warmly welcome Dr. Tianxiao Sun, previously a postdoc at HZB Germany, to join our group. Tianxiao will focus on battery characterization using synchrotron techniques.

  • 2024.01.08 We warmly welcome Mr. Wenlong Li from SJTU to join our group as a Ph.D. student. 

  • 2023.09.26-27 Yijin participated in the Roundtable: Battery Manufacturing Science in Accelerating Technology Translation from Lab to Market, Seattle and led the discussion on Industry-Academia collaborations with delegates from DOE, Industry, National Labs, and Universities.

  • 2023.09.11 Yijin presented an invited talk at SSRL's soft X-ray beamlines review. The use of soft x-ray tools for battery research was highlighted and we look forward to future collaborations.

  • 2023.08.01 Yijin started his new appointment as an Associate Professor at the Walker Department of Mechanical Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin.

  • 2023.07.20 Yijin concluded his nearly-15-years-long career as a Scientist at SLAC. It was quite a journey. We are proud of our achievements and look forward to the next steps.

  • 2023.07.05-10 Zhichen conducted experiments at HXN and FXI of NSLS-II.

  • 2023.03.20 Yijin presented an invited talk at the Pittcon 2023 conference, Philadelphia, PA.


  • 2022.12.09 -  12.13 Bo, Dechao, and Zhichen conducted an experiment at NSLS-II of BNL. We had a great time at Long Island. 

  • 2022.11.27 - 12.02 Yijin presented an invited talk at the MRS 2022 Fall Meeting in Boston.

  • 2022.11.15 Yijin visited Virginia Tech and presented a lecture in the Inorganic Chemistry Class. 

  • 2022.09.15 Yijin visited Rice University and presented at the MSNE seminar.

  • 2022.09.12 We warmly welcome Dechao Meng from SJTU to join our group

  • 2022.07.25 We warmly welcome Bo Su from Zhangjiang Lab to join our group. 

  • 2022.03.30 Yijin presented an invited talk to the AI-guided Materials Thrust at Virginia Tech

  • 2022.01.03 We warmly welcome Zhichen Xue from Central South University to join our group. 

  • 2021.11.11 Yijin Presented a virtual Guest lecture in Inorganic Chemistry class at the Department of Chemistry, Virginia Tech.

  • 2021.10.28 Yijin presented an invited talk entitled "A Macro-to-Nano Zoom through the Hierarchy of A Lithium-Ion Battery" at the Dalhousie Physics Department Seminar.

  • 2021.06.11 Yijin presented an invited talk entitled "Multi-modal imaging of battery materials" at the CHEX workshop: energy storage and conversion at Advanced Photon Source.

  • 2021.05.18 Yijin presented an invited talk entitled "An integrated Multi-modal X-ray Microscopy for a Macro-to-Nano Zoom through the hierarchy of Energy Materials" at PNNL. I thank Dr. Jie Xiao and Dr. Xiaolin Li for the invitation and look forward to future collaborations.

  • 2021.03.18 Yijin presented a talk entitled "From cross-beamline/facility multi-modal imaging to TXM ghost imaging and beyond" at the SSRL Staff Scientist Seminar.

  • 2021.03.08 Guannan successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis entitled "Single-crystal Ni-rich layered oxide cathode materials: synthesis, failure analysis, and structural modifications". Congratulations!

  • 2020.10.30 Yijin presented an invited webinar to the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Houston.  We thank Prof. Shuo Chen for the invitation.

  • 2020.10.22 Yijin presented a guest lecture to Prof. Feng Lin's class at Virginia Tech.

  • 2020.10.08 Yijin organized the virtual Functional X-ray Imaging Workshop during the SSRL/LCLS Users Meeting 2020. We thank our speakers, including Dr. Peter Cloetens, Dr. David Shapiro, Prof. Huolin Xin, Dr. Dula Parkinson, Dr. Sharon Bone, Dr. Junjing Deng, Dr. Esther Tai, and Dr. Tiffany Victor, for participating.

  • 2020.06.23 Chenxi defended her Ph.D. thesis entitled "Research on X-ray Spectro-microscopy and its applications on Li-ion batteries". Congratulations!

  • 2020.05.28 Zhisen defended his Ph.D. thesis entitled "Research on Synchrotron-based X-ray Imaging Technologies and Their Applications on Lithium-ion Batteries". Congratulations!

  • 2020.05.27 Shaofeng defended his Ph.D. thesis entitled "Structure Regulation and Electrochemical Performance of Carbon Coupled Nickel-Based Materials" online via Zoom. Congratulations!

  • 2020.05.01 Yijin is now a Lead Scientist at SLAC. We will continue to pursue frontier research in energy material science, dynamic science, and data science.

  • 2020.03.18 Juanjuan concluded her 4-months project with us at SSRL and returned to the Technische Universität München (TUM). We wish her all the best in her future career pursuits. We also look forward to continuing our collaboration on the development of the spectro-imaging capability for an inverse Compton source.

  • 2020.02.24 Zhisen concluded his 18-months project with us at SSRL and returned to Sichuan University. We are proud of his achievements and wish him all the best in his future career pursuits.

  • 2020.02.14 Yijin and Piero visited Dr. Wenbing Yun at the Sigray Inc.

  • 2020.02.06 Our work entitled "Quantification of Heterogeneous Degradation in Li‐Ion Batteries" [Adv. Energy Mater. 1900674, (2019)] is selected as ESRF highlights 2019. We look forward to continuing our work at ESRF, in particular with the exciting EBS upgrade

  • 2019.12.02 We warmly welcome Ms. Juanjuan Huang and Mr. Guannan Qian to join our group. 

  • 2019.10.18 Yijin organized the Symposium on Frontiers in Synchrotron Science at SLAC. Over 80 researchers attended this event and celebrated Prof. Piero Pianetta's 70th birthday and his broad contribution to synchrotron science and technology.

  • 2019.10.09 Yijin conducted an FEL experiment at SACLA with Drs. Jun-Sik Lee (SSRL), Hoyong Jang (PAL-XFEL), Sanghoon Song (LCLS), as well as Prof. Nojiri sensei of Tohoku University.

  • 2019.09.25 We warmly welcome Ms. Jin Zhang to join our group. We look forward to strengthening our collaboration with Dr. Qingxi Yuan of BSRF/IHEP.

  • 2019.09.23-28 Shaofeng, Zhisen, and Yijin conducted a hard x-ray nanoprobe experiment at the HXN beamline of NSLS-II at the Brookhaven National Laboratory.

  • 2019.09.22 Chenxi concluded her 2-years project with us at SSRL and returned to USTC. We wish her all the best in her future career pursuits.

  • 2019.09.19 Yijin Presented a talk entitled "An Integrated Synchrotron Imaging Approach for Energy Material Science" at the SSRL Staff Scientist Seminar.

  • 2019.09.01 We warmly welcome Mr. Guibin Zan to join our group. We look forward to strengthening our collaboration with Dr. Wenbin Yun of Sigray Inc. through this opportunity.

  • 2019.08.22 Yanshuai concluded his 3-months project with us at SSRL and returned to IOP. We wish him all the best in his future career pursuits.

  • 2019.08.16 We warmly welcome Dr. Chaonan Wang to join our group.

  • 2019.08.12 We warmly welcome Dr. Xiaoqian Fu joining our group.

  • 2019.05.27 Shaofeng, Yanshuai, Chenxi, and Zhisen conducted a soft x-ray nanoprobe experiment at beamline 13-1 of SSRL.

  • 2019.05.25 We set up our website for the first time.

  • 2019.05.22 We warmly welcome Mr. Yanshuai Hong to join our group. We look forward to strengthening our collaboration with Dr. Xiqian Yu's group at IOP.

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