2024.12.20 Group photo.
2024.12.12 - 12.19 Tianxiao visited SLAC & Stanford. Our collaborations with Will, Yan-Kai, Donggun, Kevin, and Partha have been very enjoyable and productive.
2024.10.18 - 10.23 Guannan, Shimao, and Jane conducted an experiment using the hard X-ray nanoprobe (HXN) beamline at NSLS-II, Brookhaven National Laboratory.
2024.10.06 - 10.10 We celebrate Marca's retirement at PRiME 2024, Honolulu.
2024.09.25 Tianxiao presented our work on synthesis of Li- and Mn- rich battery cathode materials at Argonne National Laboratory.
2024.08.14 We hosted Apple's Failure Analysis Group and Product Safety Group at UT.
2024.06.21 Dechao wins a Best Poster Award at IMLB, the 22nd International Meeting on Lithium Batteries, Hong Kong.
2024.06.13 Yijin visited Prof. Tsu-Chien Weng of Shanghai Tech and Prof. Zhi Jiang of Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
2024.05.26 Yijin visited Profs. Zhiyuan Zeng and Jizhou Li of Hong Kong City University.
2024.04.23 As we approach the end of this semester, the class gathered for a group photo. We extensively discussed cutting edge X-ray metrology techniques for materials and manufacturing applications. For the final project of this class, each of us is now developing a synchrotron proposal!
2024.04.9 Yijin visited Dr. Si Chen's group at Argonne National Lab. Tugba and Xiaoyang showcased the exciting developments of a plasma FIB system that will eventually be attached to a beamline at APS!
2024.04.05 Tianxiao and Wenlong conducted an experiment at NSLS-II FXI beamline. We thank Dr. Mingyuan Ge for the enjoyable collaboration.
2024.03.29 The team visited UT Austin's Battery Manufacturing and Testing Facility at the J. J. Pickle Research Campus. We thank Dr. Dengguo Wu for hosting us and for showing us the latest and greatest.
2024.03.21 Nothing more exciting than getting your lab equipped piece by piece. We are thankful to our wonderful staffs at Walker Department of Mechanical Engineering at UT.
2023.10.05 Yijin visited Sila Nanotechnologies and presented an invited seminar on battery characterization. We look forward to establishing our collaborations.
2023.09.26-27 Yijin participated in the Roundtable: Battery Manufacturing Science in Accelerating Technology Translation from Lab to Market, Seattle and led the discussion on Industry-Academia collaborations with delegates from DOE, Industry, National Labs, and Universities.
2023.07.5-10 Zhichen conducted synchrotron experiments at FXI and HXN of NSLS-II at BNL. We are thankful to the collaboration with Drs. Mingyuan and Xiaojing.
2023.04.20 We celebrate the 50th anniversary of SSRL!
2023.04.13 Zhichen and Dechao participated in the SLAC-Stanford Battery Center launch ceremony. Their poster presentations were very well received.
2023.03.17 Zhichen and Dechao visited ALS, LBNL. The interactions with Drs. Jinghua, Wanli, Feipeng, Ha, and Zengqing were delightful and very inspiring.
2022.12.9 - 12.13 Bo, Dechao, and Zhichen carried out an experiment at the HXN beamline at NSLS-II of Brookhaven National Lab under the guidance of Dr. Xiaojing (left). We also thank Drs. Mingyuan, Hanfei, and Yong for valuable discussions and enjoyable interactions.
2022.11.15 Yijin presented a lecture in the Inorganic Chemistry class at Virginia Tech. The interactions with faculty and students at VT are productive and enjoyable.
2022.10.28 Group photo (left to right: Dechao, Guibin, Bo, Zhichen and Yijin).
2022.07.22 At John Goodenough 100th Birthday Symposium at UT Austin, we celebrated Prof. Goodenough's tremendous contributions to a wide range of research fields.
2021.08.18 Group photo (left to right: Yijin, Jizhou, Guibin, and Guannan).
2021.01.22 Group photo (left to right: Guibin, Jin, Yijin, Guannan, and Jizhou).
2020.01.24 Yijin took a selfie with Piero and Ingolf.
2019.12.12 The team visited Advanced Light Source (ALS) at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. We thank Dr. Wanli Yang for leading the facility tour.
2019.11.28 Yijin attended the International Symposium on Synchrotron Application in the Materials Industry - Next Generation Battery at the Accelerator Scientific Hall in Pohang Accelerator Laboratory. Before presenting the lectures, the invited speakers kicked off the symposium together with Mr. Lee Kang-deok, the Mayor of Pohang.
2019.11.13 Shaofeng presented a poster at the Bay Area Battery Summit 2019.
2019.10.18 At the Symposium on Frontiers in Synchrotron Science at SLAC, we celebrated Prof. Piero Pianetta's 70th birthday and his broad contribution to the synchrotron science.
2019.10.14 Yijin conducted an experiment at SACLA with, left to right, Dr. Jun-Sik Lee (SSRL), Dr. Sanghoon Song (LCLS), Dr. Yuya Kubota (SACLA), Dr. Hoyoung Jang (PAL-XFEL), Prof. Hiroyuki Nojiri (Tohoku university).
2019.10.06 Group photo (left to right: Yijin Liu, Chaonan Wang, Xiaoqian Fu, Guibin Zan, Jin Zhang, Shaofeng Li, Zhisen Jiang).
2019.09.23 Shaofeng and Zhisen conducted a hard x-ray nanoprobe experiment at HXN beamline of NSLS-II at Brookhaven National Laboratory (left to right: Dr. Yang Yang, Dr. Xiaojing Huang, Zhisen, and Shaofeng).
2019.09.03 Yijin led a tour for delegates from Carl Zeiss Inc. including Mr. James Sharp, president of Carl Zeiss Microscopy LLC.
2019.08.01 Yijin was with (left to right) Drs. Yu-Shan Huang, Gung-Chian Yin, Chi-Chang Kao, and Luxi Li at the Gordon conference (X-ray Science).
2019.07.05 Yijin was with (left to right) Drs. Zhentang Zhao, Yunlong Li, Han Wang, Wei Lu at the VUVX19 conference. We thank Dr. Ying Liu for capturing this enjoyable discussion with her camera.
2019.07.05 Yijin was with Drs. Jae-Young Kim and Ki-Jeong Kim at the VUVX19 conference.
2019.06.01 Yijin presented a keynote speech at the 9th Annual Conference of Stanford Chinese Visiting Scholars.
2019.05.27 The team conducted soft x-ray nanoprobe experiment at 13-1 of SSRL (front row: Yijin Liu, Yanshuai Hong, Jun-Sik Lee, Hendrik Ohldag; back row: Shaofeng Li, Zhisen Jiang, Chenxi Wei).
2019.05.21 Yijin visited Dr. Xiao-Qing Yang's group at BNL. We celebrated Dr. Yang's 70th birthday and our years of productive collaboration under Dr. Yang's leadership.
2019.05.21 Yijin visited FXI of NSLS-II with colleagues from BSRF and APS (left to right: Drs. Kai Zhang, Qingxi Yuan, Luxi Li, and Xianghui Xiao).
2018.12.04 The team conducted soft x-ray RIXS measurements using a TES detector at SSRL beamline 10-1.
2018.09.28 Yijin was with (left to right) Drs. Kejie Zhao, Xiao-Qing Yang, and Yang Yang at SSRL user meeting (2018).
2017.10.12 Group photo (left to right: Yijin, Haiyan Xu, Chenxi Wei, Qing Tian, Yahong Xu, Hai Huang, Linjuan Zhang, Kai Zhang, and Sihao Xia).
2017.09.28 The team presented a poster to Dr. Chi-Chang Kao, director of SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, at the SSRL user meeting (2017).
2016.10.06 Yijin received the William E. and Diane M. Spicer Young Investigator Award from Dr. Kelly Gaffney, director of Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource.
2014.11.18 Yijin led a tour for delegates from CalCharge, including Jeff Anderson, the president of CalCharge.
2014.04.22 Yijin conducted hard x-ray ptychography experiment at cSAXS of Swiss Light Source.
2013.10.04 Yijin led a workshop for exploring the scientific case for an ICS.
2012.07.20 Yijin conducted an in-situ high-pressure imaging experiment with (left to right) Drs. Yu Lin, Junyue Wang, Yongmoon Lee, and Wenge Yang.